Aiko's back and in fine form. Fortunately the weather really turned on for her arrival and for the whole of Golden Week for that matter so there was no trauma from the cold weather that was here when she left. It has gone from wintry to summery in the space of a fortnight. Just hope I haven't spoken too soon as I've been enjoying hanging out in the sun!
After a couple of days settling in and adjusting back to Japanese time zone, we had a quiet dinner with the Nagao family. Little Yashi (28 months) was running around the place and having a great time. His eyes really lit up when I pulled out a slab of chocolate (Trader Joe's Pound Plus) that Aiko was given and bought back!!
Good times had by all talking story with some nice pizza for a change and salads hitting the spot. And every time someone lifted their glass of wine, Yashi would gather everyone together and say "Everyone Cheers!!", it was classic.
Thanks Nagaos, let's do it again
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