Saturday, July 3, 2010

Annual Seminar

Just finished our annual 2 day seminar which was held in Kawasaki this year. It's always a good chance to listen to the publishers voice ideas on how to teach lessons as well as to swap ideas amongst ourselves. Good bunch of teachers at present which made for really productive group planning activities and the like. Thanks to all the crew based in Head Office who make this happen every year. It's a genuinely worthwhile experience even for an old hand and (I think) gives us a gentle nudge not to become complacent within our schools and with our lessons.

BUT, after two reasonable intense and lengthy days (including driving there and back both days) I needed this beer! Sucker went down a treat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Broad band is soooooooo quick!!!!!
Glad to see you are being kept on your toes and able to share ideas - makes life easier. Mum