Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sea Festa Wrap

Well the weather didn't really co-operate on Saturday but it was all go with "aloha" shirts at work and the girls moved to an inside venue for the dancing. I had a bit of time before work so was able to take some video and pics, which hopefully, after I clear some space on the computer to upload, can make some kind of slide show for you all.

Sunday was like night and day/chalk and cheese!

The weather couldn't have been better scripted!!!!! Good waves on offer in the morning too meant a really big turn out this year. Probably in excess of 50,000!!!

Friends of ours featured in the "HAWAIIAN BEACH WEDDING". They both looked like they enjoyed the event and Kayo looked fantastic. (again, pics will follow)

After the dust settled we BBQ'd at Junji and Momoko's house and celebrated a successful weekend.

Much mahalo to everyone involved and their efforts to make sure things went as well as they did.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds very successful overall. Looking forward to seeing the pics,