Great to talk to my mum and sister today. It sounded as though they were enjoying a nice birthday lunch together. The grandkids were singing in full voice in the background in anticipation of the fancy cake Aunty Val had bought. Best wishes from us all here in Japan for a great birthday. Love ya mum
Lovely to hear your voices on Monday. Had a great day. Went out for dinner last night with work people - 3 of us have a birthday in the same week! Out for lunch on saturday with charlie and Jill Charlie's birthday is 8June. Grietja's father turned 90 on 6 June. A very special month with another birthday to come -21 June!!! ordered Broadband and it will be wonderful. It took 20 minutes to download your site.Luv Mum
OMG! 20 mins? Maybe I'll reduce the number of recent blogs seen on one page. let me know if you still have trouble once you're on BB
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