Good friend and talented surfer/artist/teacher/you name it, has been working hard behind the scenes to put together this on-line style magazine,
KAMOGAWA POWER (Vol 2.), for one and all, with an emphasis on travel and life experiences in Japan, notably Kamogawa. At this stage it's all English, but there are plans in the pipeline to make it bilingual in the future. It features a few pics taken by me and in the future, perhaps an article here or there (got to get my thinking cap on and finger sorted!). This month has stories on Grace Surf's Hokkaido trip, our snowboard trip to Kusatsu and some photos from Hiroshima as well as profiling some local groms with big futures and restaurants that hit the spot. Check it out
HERE and feel free to send
Dave or I suggestions or ideas for future volumes which I can pass on.

This mirror is another example of his handy work. It was a house warming gift from him and his wife!! Super stoked and it looks great in our entrance way. No more excuses for having bad hair when I rock out the door!
Much Mahalo guys
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