Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hachijo trip: Pt 2

Stay tuned for the next installment...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
A short trip to Hachijo Island: Pt 1
Not one to waste an opportunity, my wife set about exploring options, given that we had organized time off. We looked at options in Okinawa, but that too was basically sold out. And then we remembered our friend, Fumie, living on Hachijo Island! A few phone calls later and things soon fell into place and we were off!

Stay tuned for more....
Surfed Out!

Yesterday was pumping and only a handful of guys out! This shot was on the Nonkey Surf Report and if you look really close that's me riding my Grace Surfboards DY hp50 longboard (the "ninjin daikon") shaped by Taro Taniuchi for Dave Yamaya Pro. (check the Grace surfboards and Dave's blog links on the side)
Friday, September 17, 2010
50 Year Storm!
Some Matsuri History

In Japan, festivals are usually sponsored by a local shrines or temples (a focal point for many communities). The Kamogawa festival is one such festival where several of the local shrines (each located in a local suburb) combine to celebrate together.
There are no specific matsuri days for all of Japan; dates vary from area to area, and even within a specific area, but Kamogawa's festival is usually held mid-September. Almost every locale has at least one matsuri in late summer/early autumn, and is usually related to the rice harvest.
Notable matsuri often feature processions which may include elaborate floats called yatai or dashi. Preparation for these processions is usually organized at the level of neighborhoods, or machi. Prior to these, the local kami (gods) may be ritually installed in mikoshi (portable shrines carried on the shoulders) and paraded through the streets. These mikoshi are often very heavy and taxing to carry leaving those involved with badly bruised shoulders and aching bodies. Parading them is not as straight forward as it sounds either, as the mikoshi are shaken and tossed in the air at regular intervals to show appreciation to local donors and spectators for their support. In Kamogawa their is one rare mikoshi that has 4 drummers actually seated on it playing traditional taiko drums which play continuously, even when the mikoshi is suddenly accidentally dropped. Of course it is a dangerous practice, but one that has been going for many, many years and brings great excitement.
I was involved this year with the float and was given the rare opportunity and responsibility of assisting to steer the float through the narrow streets while people pulled it along using long ropes attached to the front. The floats are manned by a team of drummers, usually kids and teenagers from the local suburb who spend weeks practicing each evening under the watchful eye of elders. They are accompanied by flutists and a kind of small hand held gong, all of which makes a very entertaining sight and sound. In Kamogawa, the floats all gather in front of the station on the Sunday and play in friendly rivalry, which attracts many onlookers, photographers and TV cameras. It's also the perfect opportunity to see old friends and make new ones as you share the camaraderie of the day.
One can always find in the vicinity of a matsuri, booths selling souvenirs and food such as takoyaki, and games.
Favorite elements of the bigger, more famous matsuri, are often broadcast on television for the entire nation to enjoy. Chiba TV covers the Kamogawa festival and usually has a program featuring it in late September or October sometime.
I'll post some random photos soon...
X'mas came early!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mobara-Ichinomiya-Electrical storm

Lots of photos to wade thru from the Matsuri Festival held over the weekend and I just couldn't be bothered just yet. Still recovering. But they will come....promise. Here's a teaser...
Yesterday I had to go up to Mobara. Aiko had a meeting from 1pm and I was free until 5pm, after which, I joined a small 'otsukare' (job well done) party for the WinBe Summer camp of 2010. (I still have photos to post of that, too! I'm falling behind! Here's one of the bus as we ready to depart with the Kamogawa contingent)

Sunday, September 12, 2010
More $$ than cents

I know this is Japan and that people are generally far more respectful of others property, but this is just stupid!
I don't know whose boards and wetties these were, but they drove nice cars with plates from Yokohama. They left all there stuff (about 15 boards & 10 wetsuit vests) out on the main beach boulevard, in the middle of Matsuri, when everyone is drunk (and opportunistic) on a Saturday night in summer.....and it looks like they got away with it!
I saw all the stuff when I came back last night about 10pm and took this photo about 5:30am this morning!
If it were anywhere else, you'd assume it was an insurance scam as without doubt someone would have found a nice 5 finger discount to put in their quiver and nobody in their right mind would be so foolish.
More money than sense!
Thanks Toshizou

Thanks Toshizou-san (BLOG LINK HERE)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Matsuri festival
Kamogawa's Matsuri Festival kicks off today. Unfortunately I work Saturdays but I'll be doing my part from tomorrow. It's going to be a long day in the heat, but it's always lots of fun and a great interaction with the local community, young and old. Stay tuned for photos after as I'll try to post and give a little more info. If you track back to Sept 2009 on my blog you can see some pics and have a read about it. (this a pic from 2009 to give you a taste of what is to come)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thanks Dave
Good friend and colleague Dave was on hand with his new camera and snapped this pic today. (stolen from his blog)

Feel free to leave a comment of support as he ventures into a long held dream, the realm of professional surf photography.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Luv'n our Plumeria
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Christchurch Earthquake!

Well, it's been an eventful time of late and when I woke on Saturday morning to discover a serious earthquake had occurred in NZ, I was caught off guard, just like the many residents in the greater Canterbury region.
As I'm from NZ, a lot of local people here in Japan have been asking about the welfare of my family and friends. With the high frequency of earthquakes here and terrible destruction in Kobe still fresh in many people's minds, they can sympathize with what must be happening in NZ.
I too was somewhat concerned as I have a grandmother, aged 99, living in Christchurch and an uncle there as well, very close to where a lot of the reported damage occurred.
Thankfully both were physically OK. Just a little shaken. I haven't heard much from friends in the area, but I imagine they have their hands full coping with what has happened, especially to their houses and businesses.
I heard from my father yesterday who was down that way and was able to check firsthand which gave me some piece of mind.
Tons of buildings were damaged, many beyond repair including a raft of historical homesteads, churches and the main shopping center leaving a lot of people wondering how it all happened, as scientists revealed that the fault line that ruptured hadn't done so for 16,000 years!

Obviously there is still some fear that there are more to come and that this first one may trigger a series of violent earthquakes in the very near future.
This is an excerpt taken from one of the NZ news agencies;
Residents are being advised to continue boiling drinking water for three minutes and maintain personal hygiene to stop spread of water-borne diseases.
As the clean-up continues from Saturday's magnitude 7.1 quake, residents awoke shaken for a third day in a row.
The aftershocks included one with a magnitude of 5.2 shortly before 11.30pm last night which shook almost continuously for 15 minutes. There was another one of 5.4 soon after, and another of 5.4 around 3.30am today.
They left teetering buildings on the brink and locals on edge. For some it meant another night cleaning up.
Apparently my grandmother and uncle were without electricity and telecommunications for quite some time and many water pipes throughout the city are damaged leaving residents without water completely or with contaminated drinking water which is beginning to cause health related problems of its own.Christchurch was obviously not alone in suffering from this earthquake. It also affected areas surrounding the city, notably Kaiapoi, and around the Canterbury plains.
Spare a thought for those who have lost everything and send prayers for a safe and quick recovery.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Hyundai Pro Longboard Tour 2010 - FREE DVD from NZ Greenroom Productions on Vimeo.
Plumeria Blooming